Master Plan Part 2:

  1. Cryptocurrency Integration

  2. Smart Paddles

Fully programmable money, products and services.

Awakening unlimited creative potential.

The rationale behind this stems from our philosophy of shared ownership and responsibility. What we are doing here is leveraging the power of the collective human spirit using modern business tools. We know humanity has unthinkable potential, and we can do anything if we believe we can. That’s what this is, it’s us taking responsibility of inspiring others into believing that impossible is a state of mind. But sometimes it takes seeing to believe, even if what you were looking for was always in plain sight. Follow the path of the money and it should become clear. On a macroscopic level, we invented money as a tool to efficiently allocate resources. Money is an idea, the symbol, the placeholder, the potential. We move it around, cause its easy to move ideas and symbols versus the matter, energy and time they represent. And what is that energy and potential? What it boils down to is us finding a way to share and use the planet’s and more specifically, the sun’s energy’s work over time. Our planet is fully solar powered. Plants grow using sunlight, our water and air systems rely on the sun’s heat as well as the earth’s rotation to flow and cycle. But the rotation is really a gravitational energy exchange between earth and the sun. The oil we burn owes it’s chemical potential energy to a natural process of energy transfer from the sun over millions of years. The metals and minerals we build with also eventually connect back to a star fusing elements, and our sun’s gravitational fields coalescing it all into our beautiful planet. So, we use money to efficiently use what the sun so generously shared with us.

Now, once upon a time, money was also physical. But over time we’ve been distilled it down to its most basic form, an idea. Money ten thousand years ago took form as trade able objects. These objects took time and energy to find or make. A thousand years ago, money was further distilled and abstracted into the form of metal coins. The coins themselves were much easier to make and move than the things they could be traded for. Then, last century, something remarkable happened. Fiat money was invented. Unbacked paper currency.