Old Meets New

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Welcome to the 21st Century


Let this be the beginning of a new era of love. Let this be the awakened company that is the model for 21st century enlightened business. We have a choice right now on how we want to build our world. Will we take old lessons and failures and grow from them? Imagine if businesses were honest. Imagine if companies, organizations and people loved what they were doing and truly cared. Now let us share the planet amongst each other and with nature. We are all one. Let us make the 21st century one to remember, one not marred by world wars but one of worldwide cooperation and harmony.

The Mission:

Become a loving, space-faring civilization.


How can we ever succeed out there if we can’t live in harmony with own home?

Christopher Wegrzyn  |  Co-Founder



The Past is a teacher…

The 20th century was the culmination of a thousand year chapter in humanity’s journey. We explored new frontiers and new ideas such as Rationalism, Economics, Scientific Theory, Governance, Politics and Religion to name just a few. The progress of science and technology accelerated at exponential rates, giving us tools like the telescope, calculus, machinery and industry, electricity and the internet. Our organizational structures evolved and increased in complexity from Kingdoms and Dictatorships to Democratic Governments and International Corporations. We experimented with nuclear physics, discovered the wave-particle and energy-mass duality of the physical world. The rate of change kept speeding up right through the 1800s with the Industrial Revolution, and faster still through the 1900s where the list of changes literally takes the whole of the internet to enumerate. 

But the road wasn’t without obstacles and detours. Conflicts and competition for control and power have rattled history. Themes of domination, exploitation and slavery permeated through feudalism, free market capitalism, government centralized socialism and hundreds of variations in-between. The entire world went to war twice and then some more. Fear had literally been weaponized and near perfected through the cold-war. Meanwhile, we felt entitled to exploit not just human labor but the natural world too. Forests were razed for wood and farmland used to feed livestock. Oceans were used as dumps for our never ending disposable products. Mountains were excavated for their oil and metals to support our consumerist economies. Animals were factory farmed to keep pumping out meat and milk. Perhaps with such rapid change we were torn apart from nature. We built machines and virtual reality cities to oppose the organic environment. Even philosophy reflected our struggles with 19th and 20th century philosophy focused on man’s separation and isolation in the universe. It's no wonder some felt born into a meaningless universe instead of being born out of an intelligent one.

However, none of this is inherently evil or wrong. Taking these perceived failures and turning them into lessons can help us grow into a more humanized, connected society. Sometimes it takes horrors to realize beauty, fear to feel courage and hope. Taking the stance that we are part of it all, interconnected, is the first step in healing. We and our constructions are just as natural and self-sustaining as anything else in nature. The idea that synthetic plastics created by mother nature through millions of years of evolution resulting in intelligent 20th century humans manipulating matter and energy into just the right organization isn’t one that’s talked a lot about. But it can shine a light of positivity and self realization on our historic actions. Again, for all the suffering we inflicted and had to endure, we certainly achieved some amazing feats. Perspective can interchange the negative and positive.

Some of the greatest discoveries have shown how the universe is self similar across scale and across time. Like a fractal, everything has a repeating pattern. The behavior of atoms grouping into molecules, molecules grouping into chemical compounds, which in turn organize into biological life, which in itself further organize into complex life forms like us, who further group into families, cities and nations. Then these structures dissolve and die to reform something new. So, it also seems like our understanding works off the duality of nature. We need opposites to notice what’s really happening. Polarization brings with it great good, great evil and an infinite spectrum in between. And so, experiences come in waves. Good times, followed by bad times, followed by good times again. Groups come together, and disperse into separation then back again. Applying these principles to history we can see the patterns and understand how to move forward. We waged war on the environment and on each other. It’s about time for peace to balance the equation.

So, shall we once again find our place in nature and work together? 



Kevin xie  |  Co-Founder


 The Future:

A blank slate for dreams…

Actions speak louder than words. We can sit discussing how to move forward and why to move forward forever. There comes a point in time where we must do. The future begins where the past ends, and that’s at the present moment. This is why we founded this company now. We want to be the model for the 21st century and to kick off the next thousand year chapter. We want people to really see that anything is possible by pushing what seems impossible. We set a big lofty goal of becoming a loving, space-fairing civilization. This is where we outline what it takes to get there. 

From day one this company, this community will be built out of love. That’s why we chose to create a paddle sharing service. We have a burning passion for the sport and how it has helped us grow not only into successful athletes, but so much more. We learned very early on that competition is best paired with cooperation. No athlete competes alone. Every athlete has a supporting foundation. Be it their teammates, their coaches, their parents, their gym staff, the equipment suppliers, the plants that feed them, even their fellow competitors, who drive each other into success. Competition - Cooperation duality, as if the two are in a conspiracy to seem separate.

This has inspired us to give back, and hopefully we’ll inspire many many more, directly and indirectly. So, on the most basic level we want to provide the best product, the best service and be the most accessible. Space Paddles needs to be 10 times better than anything else out there, a no-brainer. On second thought, need is a tough word to use. Our philosophy is to not force things into place. So, there’s no absolute need, but a deep rooted want. When love is the motivator, the path doesn’t feel like a stressful necessity, but simply the right thing to do.

On a higher level, we want to demonstrate a new type of business model based on sharing and collective ownership. A model where giving is better than taking and where trust is assumed, not the other way around. We also want to be honest, transparent and open. Our means will reflect the end. So there’s no secret sauce here, all our operations and business workings will be made public for anyone to copy and maybe improve upon. This also leaves us open to criticism and potential for abuse. But we fundamentally believe in ourselves and the good of humanity. Let the dishonest lie, and the takers try to take. There are more honest givers ready to lend a helping hand. Together we stand, divided we fall.

Finally, on the highest level we want to nurture new thinking and new doing. We want to dream bigger. So big it’ll seem ridiculous. Incredible creation starts with in-credible, impossible to credit, impossible to believe. We want to lead the way in not being embarrassed by dreaming. That it’s ok to think about none-sense and explore past the wild edges. That not everything is super serious. That play is just as sincere as work. Life is full of nuance and layers, just as our company is. Is the world black and white? Of course it is, and there’s color to it too. Our goal is to inspire free, and yes, that includes controversial thought. Our goal is to ignite the courage that allows us to risk being wrong, searching for what is right. And not just a little wrong, very very wrong many times over, as we’ve always done historically. We will fail. Space Paddles will fail. We’ll make promises so revolutionary we probably won’t be able to keep them all. But we’ll go down trying. Probability isn’t certainty. Change is never ruled out. We’ll alter the plan as circumstances inevitably change. Plans rarely go according to plan. By staying flexible, admitting mistakes and learning we hope to revolutionize the world. Even the word revolution has many meanings, bring fourth the new, and return to the old. With all that said, here is our not super serious, but sincere…

Master Plan Part 1: