Ep. 5: Jonathan Almeida

The fifth episode of my podcast: Truth Serum. Do you have the courage to take a dose of truth serum with me? He's a rebel, he's a bad-ass, he's the underdog and he's been my friend since elementary school. It's been a real experience to see each other grow up, split paths and reunite. So, I'd like to share a bit of that experience with you. Join us on a beautiful summer day by the river as we watch the sun burn the rain clouds and mist away. This time around my phone ran out of storage part way through filming. The two of us were having such a great time, that the hours flew by. You might notice a lot of cuts towards the end of the video. That's where my phone struggled to save the footage before it stopped altogether. Apparently, when storage is low, my phone can only save clips under 3 minutes. Only a couple of seconds of dialogue was lost between these clips. However, I think around 45 minutes was lost at the very end. No matter, it just gives me a convenient excuse to have Jonathan back on again. ♡

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