Black Hole- $200

Light Speed? Nah, You’d Have To Go Ludicrous!

Upon crossing this event horizon you will instantly become a lifetime member.


Cash, Cheques & Equipment:


E-Commerce (Paypal,Credit, etc.):

In Person or Contact us

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Sign up, so we know who our members are. Then, make the payment using one of the above methods. If paying using cryptocurrency, please include relevant information in the sign up process. Crypto is pseudonymous in nature and we need a way to verify the identity of whomever paid us. To protect your privacy when using crypto, read this short guide.

Every Space Paddles membership counts towards a lifetime membership. Whatever a member pays into the system accumulates until the magic $200 event-horizon. At that point, we will grant unlimited access to the whole of the Space Paddles network and services, at purely voluntary payments, for life. It’s the least we could do for our members who help finance 2 new paddles for our shared network. We’re not only sharing paddles, we’re also sharing our company.

Lastly, a few disclosures and details about our paddle sharing service. We want to keep everything simple and honest. The industry standard is pages of legal documentation enumerating how many rights and privileges the company has, and how little rights the customer has. Not here. Our agreement is one where we agree to provide a paddle sharing service to every member. We pledge to have a stock of carbon fiber dragonboat paddles to be used for sport paddling purposes. On sign up, our members agree to treat each paddle with love and responsibility. Members agree to use one paddle at a time, and to bring it back to the station in the same condition as when it left. We ask our members to please report any damage, equipment failures, or mistakes. If a member damages equipment, we will work out a solution, on a case by case basis, to ensure repair or replacement and fair repayment. That’s it, that’s our simple contract based on trust and love.