Posts tagged Exploration
Ep. 1: Truth is like water

The first episode of my new podcast: Truth Serum. Do you have the courage to take a dose of truth serum with me? Today we ponder the fluid nature of truth and how easily it slips through our fingers. I was inspired to make this series in part thanks to some of my friends starting artistic careers and in part due to the worldwide pandemic, which has given us all the opportunity to take time off from regular life. I could feel a bright light shining on society, illuminating the dark parts we tend to ignore. This virus has exposed our weaknesses and our shortcomings, but it has also shown us a better way forward. Cities worldwide are cleaner and more peaceful. Without the noise of regular life we are slowly coming to understand what truly matters to us. Also, I should mention, the audio can be quite rough at times to put it lightly. The area was windy and my external mic wasn't connected. You live and you learn. ♡