Posts tagged Identity
Ep. 2: Who am I?

The second episode of my new podcast: Truth Serum. Do you have the courage to take a dose of truth serum with me? This time around we ask the question: who am I? I mean really, what are we? Should we identify as our physical body, our mind, both? Besides, what even defines the boundary between the inside and the outside? What if we scrap the whole notion of boundary and forget the difference between inside and outside, me and not me? Not to mention, do I decide who I am? Or do others get to label me and create images of me in their minds, in their realities? Could there be many of me? Could I be everything? Also, I fixed the audio issues from the previous episode. The wind was still fairly strong so maybe for the next episode I'll work on getting more insulation for my mic. Every day is a new challenge and I love it. ♡